Attitude and communication are two fundamental pillars to manage the inconveniences we face up, not only professionally but also personally. And optimism must be the right thing to achieve our business, work and social expectations.


People who use this art of being positive can be defined as having the ability to see change as an opportunity rather than a risk and thus learn to cope with the conflict in question. 


Moreover, the attitude of the team and, therefore, the scope of the project also depends on their attitude. An optimistic leader faces reality in a creative, innovative and transformative way, adapting to change. 


The results of being an optimistic leader can be achieved through a combination of positive actions, skills and behaviours, listed below. 


  • Dealing with conflict helps to develop leadership and interpersonal skills. The ideal is to disengage emotionally and look objectively at what is happening. 
  • Remembering the positive things that have happened during the day strengthens the positive attitude. 
  • Communicate good news and celebrate successes with the team.
  • Use positive feedback to reinforce what is done well.
  • Be empathetic. 


In short, good team management requires a decisive leader who tries to improve the situation. Practicing optimism strengthens the commitment of the team, enhancing the talent and value of the people. 

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