Robotics is the manufacture of robots that perform specific tasks or jobs. This technique is applied to logistics due to the great variety of operations that can be executed with a better service and at a lower cost. 


The role it plays in logistics is to robotize and automate all the physical processes that currently compose it. Some of the functions where robotics can be applied in logistics are the following:




In the warehousing function, robotics is very present. It is worth noting in these functions mobile robots that move packages from one point to another, in addition to robotic arms and mobile robots, are designed to facilitate bringing a package or product to a worker. 




Robots dedicated to package packing are the most developed. Their function is to pack individual products as well as the set of products for shipment. 


Loading and unloading


Loading and unloading is one of the functions most commonly used by robotics in the logistics sector. They help the movement of packages that require a lot of physical strength and robotics makes it much easier.




In this function there are robots that move along the shelves and speed up the preparation of shipments or packages that in some cases carry different products. 


What is clear to us is that robotics is constantly evolving and providing us with facilities that we did not have before. There are some applications that are very interesting for logistics that today some are already in operation. These functions are automated transport, automated warehouse operations that will enable faster and more cost-effective organization, and automated loading and unloading that will be applied to make cross docking much faster. 


In short, robotics is a very common element in everyday life, which facilitates many actions and is constantly evolving and growing to reduce costs and increase its speed. 

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