In 2018, the system of truck tolls on all German roads was extended to all major roads in the country. Due to its location in the center of Europe, Germany is the hub of international truck traffic and the overall increase in the volume of freight transport, which leads to more extensive maintenance and expansion of roads. 

Last October 2021, a reduction of the amount was made in the part of the kilometer charge related to infrastructure costs, but on the other hand, pollution costs increased, while the prices of kilometer tolls decreased slightly. 

Vehicle fees 

  • from 7.5 to 12 tonnes MMA: 7.9 – 15.6 euro cents per kilometer
  • from 12 to 18 tonnes MMA: 12.6 – 20.3 euro cents per kilometer
  • over 18 tonnes MMA – three axles: 16.9 – 24.6 euro cents per kilometer
  • over 18 tonnes MMA – four axles: 18.3 – 26 euro cents per kilometer. 


Toll Collect, the company in charge of collecting the fees, offers three methods of payment. 

Automatically, by means of equipment installed in the lorry. The on-board unit (OBU) automatically recognises the vehicle’s route with the mandatory toll thanks to the signals received by GPS.

Manual using the internet and manual via toll collection terminals. The driver or transport company registers the journey using one of the toll collection terminals or the internet, which must be registered with Toll Collect beforehand. 

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