The Platform for the Defence of the Road Freight Transport Sector is once again calling an indefinite nationwide strike starting today, 14th March.


On 5 March, the transport workers of this platform informed the government that because of 90% the small and medium-sized transport companies are in a situation of total economic bankruptcy, they have been given until today to negotiate with the representatives of this organisation and to reach the necessary agreements to call off the strike.


This identity, which represents SMEs and the self-employed throughout Spain, sets out on its website the measures it intends to take to put an end to road insecurity for truck drivers.


  • Prohibition without possibility of changes in the agreement against loading/unloading and handling of goods by the driver. 
  • Retirement at 60 and early retirement at 58 for drivers as in the rest of Europe.
  • Consideration of accidents and occupational diseases during working hours.
  • NO to 44 tonnes and 4.5 metres high in the current articulated vehicles because of the insecurity for drivers and other road users.
  • Surveillance in the industrial estates and main service areas for safety and proper rest.
  • Compulsory participation of the sector in decision-making on holiday, long weekend and seasonal lorry driving restrictions. 
  • Provide dignified spaces in loading and unloading centres for the delivery and collection of documentation and while waiting during loading and unloading to cover minimum needs for hygiene and food. 


However, the National Committee has decided not to support this mobilization, even though it agrees that measures should be taken in response to the increase in energy prices to prevent a large number of Spanish hauliers from disappearing and the supply chain from collapsing. 


In view of the situation in Ukraine, they believe that it is not the right time to call a transport strike, as it would only serve to destabilize the situation. Even so, he proposes a limit on fuel prices for the duration of the situation. 


Likewise, Fenadismer, a member of the National Committee, in last Friday’s General Assembly, asked for respect for those who want to voluntarily join the strike due to the economic circumstances they are living in and cannot continue working, but also respecting those who want to continue their activity. 

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