In 2023, we have expanded our presence throughout the Mediterranean arc, adding a total of 9 physical delegations. These delegations, located in key cities, have been fundamental to the success of the company, allowing national coverage and a closer presence to our customers.

The cities where we have established our branches are Castellón, Valencia, Almenara, Jaén, Almería, Málaga, Seville and, most recently, Barcelona, where the company already had an office in Mercabarna. These locations have been selected to maximise accessibility and connectivity throughout Spain, facilitating a fast and efficient response to market demands.

However, our reach is not limited to national borders; it expands far beyond. As a logistics company we carry out land transport operations throughout Europe and, with the recent addition of maritime transport, we now reach global destinations such as South America.

The people at our branches, the key to the company’s success

Despite having professionals distributed throughout Spain and abroad, internally the company has established a horizontal communication that reaches every member of its team. We all share the same values in terms of working methods and aspects such as Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition, the company’s organisation is dedicated to providing courses that promote the continuous training of employees.

Alexis Dasca, business development director, said: “Each of our locations is made up of specialised teams in different areas of Spain and Europe, all of which are made up of transport professionals. Our focus is on customer service and customised solutions, always with a special treatment for each of our customers, which has allowed us to establish strong and long-lasting relationships with important clients.

Although our focus has expanded internationally, the core of our success remains our people. Despite the geographical spread, we have cultivated horizontal communication and shared values that reach every member of our team. The dedication and consistent effort of each delegation, backed by continuous training and a strong organisational culture, are the foundation of our continued expansion and success. In the words of Alexis Dasca, director of business development, customer service and customised solutions have forged strong and lasting relationships with our customers, highlighting the unique value that each member of Alianza Logistics brings to our mission.

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En Alianza Logistics trabajamos transporte terrestre a nivel EUROPEO y transporte marítimo a escala MUNDIAL. 🌍 ¿Podemos ofrecerte algún servicio?